Here you’ll find a growing treasure chest where I am collecting the most hard won Knowledge, Wisdom, Skills and Lived Experiences.
Human Connection Right Now
Helpline there to listen if you need emotional support, 24/7.
Things You Can Do Right Now
Knowledge Is Power
The Space Between Self Compassion & Self-Esteem
Excellent ideas from Dr Kristin Nef on why it makes sense to reach for Self Compassion over attempting to boost our self-esteem - and how to do this.
The Myth of the Chemical Cure
Valuable, balanced, un-biased factual knowledge from Dr Joanna Moncrieff for those considering phyciatric drugs - "The Myth of the Chemical Cure: The Politics of Psychiatric Drug Treatment”
Make Stress Your Friend
Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
Values-Focused vs Goals-Focused Life
Dr. Russ Harris, explains the important distinction between living a goals-focused vs a values-focused life.
The Minimalists
Great podcast and resouces page exploring a range of issues responding to how capitalism and consumerism overshadow what’s truly important. “Minimalists don’t focus on having less, less, less. We focus on making room for more: more time, more passion, more creativity, more experiences, more contribution, more contentment, more freedom..”.
Esther Parel - Where Should We Begin
Couples therapist, speaker and relationship consultant Esther Parel explores the interplay between love and desire. “Step into iconic couples therapist Esther Perel's office and listen as real couples anonymously bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their story.”
Positive News
News has a direct impact on our life, because stories shape our world. What news do you choose? This website offers balance to the problem saturated news out there, providing complete stories which highlight solutions and progress on themes from health and mental wellbeing to sustainabity and community initiatives. It’s full of information about new and exciting projects that grow hope and optimism.